Messaging tips for paw-rents

Louie's Club
Louie’s Club Blog
3 min readSep 20, 2017


Messaging other dog parents

You’ve signed up, browsed cute pups and looked at other dog owners’ profiles. And now you’re ready to send your first message for a sitting request.

We get it. It feels like that nerve-wracking feeling you get when you’re networking, or yikes, online dating. Don’t worry. We got you. We’ve put together a few tips to help you find the right match for your dog.


Plan ahead. When asking for/offering dog sitting help, reach out in advance so you have time to meet and build trust. Be respectful of their time.

Do personalize your message. If they have a dog, talk about why you think your dogs will get along. If your dog has trouble socializing or you’re not planning to host other dogs, consider reaching out to other dog hosts without a dog first. Let them know why you think they’d be a great match for your dog.

Message many members. Just like a dating site, the more people you message, the higher your changes or getting a match. People won’t mind as long as your message is personalized.

Keep it short and sweet. If you received your message, would you read it? If the answer is no, draft a shorter message. Make it easy to digest.

Be open and honest. Be upfront if your dog as any special needs. You can discuss in detail when you meet.

Be proactive. Respond promptly to inquiries even if you end up declining. If it doesn’t work out this time, just remember you can still offer your help when you can.

Louie’s Club messaging tips for dog parents


Treat the exchange as just a paid transaction. Louie’s Club is unlike traditional dog sitting platforms- we’re building a dog community. Take the time to get to know other members and build the relationship.

Leave it to the last minute. Members might not always be available when you send a request. Get in touch as early as possible to give everyone time to be comfortable.

Make it only about you and your dog. To have a happy exchange, you need to show that you’re interested in them. The best type of relationship is a mutual and consistent one.

Message only a few members. People are busy, the more people you message, the better your chances are of receiving a response.

Draft your message and hit send. We hope that this makes it a little easier (ahem, faster too!) to send your message. Happy sitting!

Have woof questions? Check out our dog sitting exchange community at or just ask me at

